You Can Become A Full Stack Developer In 1000 Years

You Can Become A Full Stack Developer In 1000 Years

This post ends my fourth year at this site and I thought I would provide all aspiring web developers with a bit of encouragement from my hard won knowledge. That is … you can become a full stack developer in about a thousand years!

School for potential full stack developers is really a waste of resources, mainly the wear and tear on your auto and a loss of your time with all that goes on around your schooling. If you pursue schooling, you will learn great things when you are actually in the classroom … it’s just that everything you will have learned will have changed by the time you hit the market with your skills.

You can do just as well with your own devices if you are so inclined. Start out designing WordPress themes and you are well on your way. Father Google will provide the rest … maybe … not!!!

When I actually started in earnest with web design … and I’m trying to think when that was, maybe back around 2008. I was doing my own sites for myself earlier than that; whatever. I could somewhat easily find what I needed when I consulted the wizard behind the curtain … Father Google!

Some things were indeed obscure, but for the most part it was pretty straight forward. The more advanced my skill set, the harder it became. Fast forward to today and Father Google has lost his mind!

You can still find what it is that you are looking for or need, however, you will lose your own mind trying.

Providing Father Google with the Keyword “learn full stack web development online” and you get 1,840,000 results, give or take a couple or three results. Only problem, most of it is pretty bad!

It would take a 1000 years to sort through all the garbage, and it is only getting worse as the bad information stacks on top of itself. Talk about the “needle in the hay stack”! I mean how many different ways can “background-size:cover;” or “background-size:contain;” be explained? How bout 348,000,000 ways … WTF!

OMG, you just can’t think this stuff up … I dare you to even try! :(

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