The Facebook Stopwatch

The Facebook Stopwatch

I couldn’t help but notice an odd point in a 60 minutes interview with Mark Zuckerberg the other day. He has a large room with about 50 or so coders inside it and they’re all doing points of coding with a stop-watch on their desktops. Talk about a task master! Man ……

They didn’t go into the stop-watch thing, so it was really open to your own interpretation. I understand; however to the untrained eye, it looks like a dungeon for coders. I code in 5 languages now working on a 6th and for those that want to bust my chops, I’ll concede and admit that HTML and CSS are not true programming languages, they are “Markup languages” …… and if you stare at the screen long enough they will program write themselves. Just dream a little and you should have no problem, it has never worked for me, but hey, you never know.

If you are a savant, you ain’t going to be able to code by no stop-watch! The stop-watch is there to prevent the coderer from wandering off schedule. In other words it helps them to focus. If they had no focus they would be all over the web with no real game-plan.

If a coderer has a problem with code and has to seek an answer from Father Google, this could lead to other really cool ideas that have nothing to do with the project at hand. Father Google is like that you know. When one searches for an answer to a problem, there are 10′s of thousands of hours of solutions that are just too cool to take-in within one lifetime. And there-in lies the issue.

I’m doing a beginner course in HTML, and I am already able to code effectively in “4.01 Strict!”. But by doing so I came up on this really cool editor called “Sublime”. I spent the whole frickin’ day fiddling with this too cool to even imagine text editor. I totally lost track of what I was doing with the study course! And there are literally thousands of study aids out there for whatever you want to learn. You could spend several lifetimes just studying HTML …… and loving it all the while. This is the liquor of the Internet.

The moral of this post is that you really have to be careful with your time while you are working and trying to make a living Online. I can think of nothing better to do with one’s life then to become an “Internet Drunk”. I’m not so sure that you will be able to pay the bills as an “Internet Drunk”, but hey, you never know. ;)

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