Last week I mentioned the work that I was doing on “The Bloggers Market Group” marketing campaign. Now that I have finished that campaign, I have had more time than I care to mention to consider the work of the past four and a half years.
It only takes a moment or two to flip through the portfolio of my work. However, for myself I’m not able to do this with ease now that I have finished the project. There is now an unintended consequence of this work that takes me back to the beginning of this commitment that I have made. As I file through my work, I’m reliving each site as I developed it and a rush of emotions follow that are hard to express.
With my potential, I can only imagine; if you will allow me license, how deep the “Rabbit Hole” will go in another 10 years. I’m not focused on my creative efforts or my forced determination with my work, rather I’m considering the efforts of so many that have come before me and made every single bit of the incredible magic that I see before me possible. Stunning …….. absolutely stunning.
If ever one needed evidence of the collective efforts of a human endeavor that have benefited so many, Computers and the Internet are breathtaking examples.
We all have our blessings; we all have our personal challenges. However, for those of us that seek this infinite medium to express the positive powers of our lives and are brash enough to expect it to yield to our earning desires, we owe a debt that we can only begin to address with our own positive contributions. I for one am truly humbled!