Bamboozled By Google

Bamboozled By Google

Yeah, well, I’m not done yet!!!

Last week I started down the road-of-rant over the short-comings of Google. I’m stuck and I’m steamin’ and it’s getting carried over to this week as well.

What I would like to know is, how does anyone with such a marginal product, earn Billions, every year. All the while spilling our personal information out all over the Internet. I’m not alleging carelessness; I’m just saying they shouldn’t be doing it at all; ya know, cloud computing and all that jazz.

The business is relevant search results. You’ve got to be kidding! Now their fast, I’ll give them that, but relevant, I don’t think so.

I’ve got this special thing going and Google wants me to provide them with all the information on the campaign and they tell me they will get back to me in a couple of weeks. A couple of months later, I’m still waiting. Kinda takes the magic out of all those fast results they offer on their 10 results pages.

I have indeed read all of the material offered in PDF form as well as a good deal of information Online, as to what Google expects from us so that they may provide a quality product to all of it’s users. I’ll have to admit this stuff is really pretty good; makes for a great read …… only problem is that, it doesn’t work!

Well, wait a minute, Google is Google and who am I, but a badly informed Blogger who lacks the necessary insight into how the “Search Giant” operates. I should re-double my efforts and exercise a spot of patience, all the while picking up bits and pieces of knowledge that will provide me with that much needed competitive edge.

I’ve yet to make it to page one after four years of trying while using best practices. I can hit page one if I type in “Make Money Blogging”. But who in the world if going to type in that long-tail keyword if they don’t know who I am? Oh no …… wait a minute or rather “0.39 seconds” to be exact, I spoke too soon. I don’t come up on page one for that long-tail keyword. Instead, “Blogging” which is one of my sites that I haven’t updated since November 6, 2010, and Bloggers come up instead. After writing 61 posts …… no mention of “Make Money Blogging”.

You can’t make this stuff up, you really can’t; I dare you to even try!

I’ve been “Bamboozled By Google”! You ought to type in that long-tail keyword into Google’s Search Engine. I love that result returned titled “Bamboozled by Google …… or is it just me” by Robert Duffy over at SEO

I will give Google this though, they have a killer “Spell-Check”!


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