Building Your First Website With HTML5 And CSS3

Building Your First Website With HTML5 And CSS3

I was viewing the most recent changes for the new HTML5 specifications over at W3C’s Editors Draft and wondered exactly where all of this is going. I knew when they depreciated the </center> tag,  that things had definitely taken a turn for the worse.

If you have it going on you are coding with “HTML 4.01 Strict!”. 4.01 is hard enough as it is, however, there is a new monster on the horizon, HTML5.

GOD’s teeth, you can’t be serious! Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Internet …….

I think they have been writing the specs for the past 30 years, I’m not really sure, and I’m not really sure when exactly all of this “Markup” will be adopted by the popular browsers. Now I understand the need for change, but this monster is at the very least 10 times the size and weight of “HTML 4.01 Strict!” …… this is supposed to make life easier?

HTML5 and CSS3 kinda go together and even CSS3 is looking formidable. I started down the road the other day to actually building a Website with HTML5 and CSS3 and finally gave it up. What a mess!

If you have any ideas on building your first Website with the latest and greatest HTML5 And CSS3 …… let it go!

One word – WORDPRESS!

Now more than ever, and especially with the coming storm of HTML5 and CSS3, WordPress is the way to go. Say you’re not interested in a Blog, not a problem. There are enough frameworks out there now where you can literally build whatever Website you so desire with WordPress.

Starting out building your first Website or even having someone else to build your first Website, do yourself a huge favor and have them or just you, use WordPress. And in the meantime, pray that it takes another 30 years for HTML5 and CSS3 to be adopted by the popular browsers!

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