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Blogging is so cool! WordPress is even cooler …….. until ……..

No one likes a problem creeping-up on them or worse to come into work to find your entire Blog on the blink. However, we are all confronted with such problems from time to time. For most of us that is the time that we break-out the “Google RX” and go to work. I am constantly amazed at how I am just 60 seconds ahead of my next issue. Then, guess what ……… I need a quick fix.

Finding quick fixes Online is what Google is all about. They aim for 250ms on the SERP’s, which I’ll have to admit is better than I. Actually I have a euber-cool site ……. nothing but the running gear (HTML & CSS), that will load in 854ms; it’s the fastest thing I have in the garage at the moment.

We all would like to think that finding the quick fix is the solution to our ongoing needs Online; this is rarely the case. Now I’ll admit I like most have just grooved on finding a really cool fix to a really difficult problem fast. However, you rarely can hang-on to the solution. I have become so bad with “the quick fix” that I now have a complete WordPress forum filled with quick fixes ……. not for my readers; for me!

I came into Blogging as an IT of sorts and got into the bad habit of searching for the quick fix in my work; after all time is money. Yet, this bad habit has persisted since. Well I’ve finally met my match.

I have a special project that I’m working on for the end of the year that involves 4 or 5 other individuals and I’m preparing the necessary information for them in a website. This is some highly sensitive information that is fluid in nature so I can’t just shoot-off an e-mail. There is some sensitive information that requires multiple layers of security.

I’m mixing and matching code, scripts, htaccess and colors all within a single WordPress install and WordPress broke. Opps!!! After securing my documents, I’m getting a “404″ error ….. What??? I’m on such a narrow ledge with my WordPress work that no one has ever attempted to do what I am doing with WordPress so there is …… no quick fix.

I have to take my time and study!

Working at the quick fix leaves you digging through a ton of garbage that no one in their right mind would want to deal with, let alone study the crap. However, if you take your time you can actually find some really great sites that deal with a number of WordPress issues. These sites while informative require study ……… not reading ….. worse scanning. You have to engage your mind and take your time!

I’m only now learning the benefits of studying Online, and while I consistently feel a loss of time, the benefits far out-weigh the sacrifice.

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