I’d Really Rather Not!

I’d Really Rather Not!

This post kinda ties into last weeks post about how much it is that you should learn to achieve your Online goals. Of the hundreds of computer languages that are out there in the wild, you really only need to learn a couple and have knowledge of several more and you are good to go. Some people however, are not really even interested in learning that much.

For those who consider themselves technically challenged, you can pick a package or two, better known as “CMS” (Content Management Systems), add a template, and you should be good to go. These packages give you the ability to kinda “learn-as-you-go” educate yourself, while at the same time giving you a presence Online that does not give the appearance to others that a 3-year-old is at work when they visit your Website.

WordPress, is of course the most popular, and easiest to learn of these “CMS” packages. However, as you expand your sense of awareness, you will soon come to learn that there are a couple more “CMS” packages besides WordPress …… OK, a bunch more!

Wherever you look these days, you can find package after package with more being added everyday. I will actually wrap multiple “CMS” together under a single WordPress install at times. I’ve got one system that has 5 “CMS” bundled.

These content management systems are not for the faint of heart. These systems can and will stop your heart …… or at least your clock, as most come with a pretty good learning curve that take a fair amount of time to learn. Most are intense and ever-expanding.

Finding these “CMS” packages is like finding a new Galaxy in the Universe. However, my adventurous days of exploring are beginning to take their toll. I simply have no time left in my life to learn another package. Well …… maybe one more!

I was looking for caching ideas for PHP the other day, when I ran across “PHP NUKE”. Not a new package, but one that I had never really looked at close. Man, this thing is intense!

It’s got Blogs, Forums, Ad Management, Encyclopedias, News, Private Messaging, Statistics, Surveys, Social Networking, Lingerie, and Lawn-Furniture wrapped into one package.

Great, another software company that wants to take over the Universe.

This thing is huge; this thing is powerful. ” I “ could take over the world myself if I had a 100 years to learn it.

But think …… just think of the possibilities. Power that “Lex Luthor” could only dream of!

If it’s all the same to you …… I’d really rather not!

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