SEO or PPC – Which Is Better?

SEO or PPC – Which Is Better?

SEO or PPC, that is the question; to be or not to be! This is the timeless debate about which is actually better for your Website or Blog. It’s really like watching paint dry; no one really wants to do it. Talk about a bad ROI.

You really can’t discuss either SEO or PPC, without bringing Google into the mix. And to add to the confusion, you can’t really have one without the other. I beginning to think maybe I shouldn’t have started this post ……

Google as well as other search engines usually have just a limited amount of choices available for listing of any one keyword. To be fair this makes it a bit easier on the brain.

However, with SEO built around exploiting keywords, and with no end to the combination of keywords, SEO by design is going to take longer, give you less control over readers and competition, and provide ambiguous results.

PPC is much more focused, much easier to work with and much quicker at delivering results. This really should come to you as no surprise if you are experienced at Internet Marketing.

As far as optimized results are concerned, you really need to concentrate on the both of them. That is SEO and PPC. Of course, SEO is a bitch …… period. And PPC is expensive …… period.

SEO is about being found on the web, while PPC is about SEM or sales and conversions. Here we go with the apples and oranges thing!

With PPC we use our bidding strategies to control and regulate website traffic flow to ensure that we make money. With SEO, it is nearly impossible to ensure how our traffic lands on our site or exactly what type of information is being sought.

PPC is built for online sales and conversions, SEO is built for making connections …… period!


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