Tag: Bootstrap

I’ve long since given up writing for the masses. It’s really hard to gain popular appeal with “HOW TO INSTALL WORDPRESS”, when everyone else is writing about the same thing. So after a couple of years I started to write about technical...
I’m into a project that requires a distinct area of a nature scene background for text viewing. Not a problem really, as I am using a “bare-bones” approach to the design. However, when I went to “media-query” the thing...
As your skills progress, your clients will see this, and naturally they will want greater options with their Websites. One such option is the Custom Admin Panel, as opposed to bloatware “CMS” that on the surface looks great, but will never...
For those that are new to Internet Marketing, WordPress is a quick and easy way to jump in and get started. Never mind my personal story of having to take 7 hours to install via the “Famous 5-Minute Install”. Something about relational...
Out with the old and in with the new! Or so the saying goes… I understand that the “Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group” and “W3C” have the first (1) working draft for HTML-5.1 …… and they haven’t...