Everyone who manges their virtual presence with a Blog is familiar with the use of themes to enhance, build, and share their ideas. Most people refer to the front-page of their theme as their “homepage”. Very few however, are familiar with the concept of static home-pages. It takes a while for most to find the true magic of the static homepage.
I have built a number of sites with the static homepage, ( which you can find the settings for under “Settings > Reading > Front page displays” of your WordPress “Dashborard” ) mostly as a sort of landing page for the back-end. Call it a fancy billboard, or rather, a full page newspaper advertisement for your website.
You can really let your imagination fly when you are designing your site with a static homepage, and you can find a number of resources to help you build them with Google. This is indeed the first thing that people will see when visiting your site. The only problem is that you can become hopelessly tangled with the static homepage.
When designing an e-commerce site, I tend to really hone-in on the design of the static homepage first, ( mainly because they’re a blast to create ) and have been challenged by others on the fact that functionality needs to follow form, when it comes to managing time and resources. Yeah, yeah, yeah …… I get it!
You need to concentrate on designing the functionality of the site before you start on the design of the homepage, at least as it pertains to the “Static Homepage”. This may play havoc with one, as most tend to start out with a marketing concept. I’m not one to sit around at night thinking about a dynamic marketing concept for earning an income Online, only to sit back and consider the functionality of the comments section first. Yawn!!!
There are benefits to this course of action however; placing an emphasis on your sites functionality will at least give you time to work on, or develop the concept of your static homepage design. After all, this really replaces the traditional theme homepage with a “Landing Page”. And the designing of your “Landing Pages” will be one of the most important tasks you will undertake as an Internet Marketer. But no one is interested in buying, even though your site is stunningly beautiful, if your shopping cart is lacking wheels!