Try as I may, I find myself at times scratching my head in disbelief. Man …… what the heck is going on?

I’ve got this totally cool, way cool …… uber cool Website I have been working on for three years, that goes nowhere fast. Actually nowhere at all; period! I love the site and can spend vast amounts of time playing with it.

The site I speak of above reminds me of this site, Jeffrey-Morgan.com, as I have put in the hours and still have yet to find a solid audience. I realize that part of the issue is that I’m mostly commentary instead of usable information. This is by design however, as I have issues. Bloggers Market.com continues to grow and outpace this format, so most of my effort has to go there until …… well until!

I’ll eventually get it done, however, it is going to take a little bit more of an effort than I had originally envisioned. Although I’m surprised that I have not grown as fast as Bloggers Market.com.

I’ve got another site that is kinda cool that I’ve put tons of effort into, and then once the mountain was climbed I looked to other projects. It proved to be quite the technical issue, however, I was able to tame the beast and move on. Not that I lost interest; I just found other projects that absorbed my time …… only problem, this site turned out to be, and is, a monster hit. In a word …… “ZOOM”.

You gotta be kidding me. I’ve put in colossal amounts of effort into Bloggers Market.com as well as Jeffrey-Morgan.com and I’m nowhere near as popular as this other site. I”m literally drowning in traffic.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I worked at the design of the site for over a year, but I’ve done that with other sites and have gone absolutely nowhere but to skid-row and “Bloggers Welfare” with what is little more than an ICANN rental!

I mean I’ve seen some successes Online before, but this takes the cake!

I only wish that I could apply the lesson’s learned from over there to over here, however, I’m not sure what it is that I’m supposed to have learned.

Internet Marketing can be really strange at times. I do know, and am acutely aware of one thing though …… that I am thankful that you have stopped by here today!

Thank You So Very Much!


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