You Have A New Website! Big Deal!

You Have A New Website! Big Deal!

Putting together a new website is a big deal …… to you.

As you decide to design and code your own website, you commit to spend a great deal of time on your project. As with most any project you can get carried away pretty quickly. As for myself, I have spent countless hours over a six month period designing a website that most people will only spend mere moments on every few days. By function and then by design, this site is pretty complex. So complex in fact, that after an upcoming release, there are dozens of additional functions that are to be included within the next release …… even before the thing is finished!

Solid web-design should be focused on the end-user usage and speed of use. Having all the bells and whistles may look really cool to you, however, your end-user may never even notice. Looking at a web-design from the end-user point of view after having spend 1200 hours in its design is not the easiest thing to do. The issue gets worse if you have to supply hundreds of pages of supporting documents for management of that website.

I understand that reading and reading skills are diminishing as time goes by, I guess there is no time for it any longer, that, and “YouTube” have taken the joy of reading from many. I grew up reading a great deal so I still tend to focus on text instead of videos within my web-designs. I sometimes wonder if I shouldn’t just place a great screen in the middle of the page and let the visitors just have at it.

When I started-out Online, I tipped the scale at just over a hundred sites, since then I have trimmed to about a dozen sites …… a dozen sites! I study this design all the time and try to reason a way to combine something, somewhere. However, it is extremely hard to combine Blog and web-design which is the focus of this site, and extreme Blogging techniques such as allowing JavaScript to open up your hyper-links under a new tab, instead of the “Target” attribute so that your site can validate under “HTML 4.01 Strict!”. I may miss my mark here, but I don’t think my readers of this site are going to hang around long and read a post on “Target” attributes. So, I have “Blogging” for that.

Sometimes I have opinions on the state of tech, and when I vent, that too does not belong on this site, so I have another site for that. Keeping track of all this and that drives me crazy at times, I can only imagine what it does to my readers.

As you set-out on that perilous path of web-design, try hard and focus on the end-user experience and work hard at keeping things to a bare minimum. It’s easier on everyone!

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